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3. Neraca Energi pada Steam Boiler

Diposting oleh On Thursday, September 26, 2013

Neraca Energi :
Output - Input + Akumulasi = 0
∆Ek + ∆Ep + ∆H = Q + W
∆E= ½ m v2
∆Ep = m g h
Q = panas sbg bentuk energi
W = kerja sbg bentuk energi
Dengan ketentuan Q dan W adalah sebagai berikut :

Contoh Soal : (adapted from Transport Processes and Unit Operation 3rd , Geankoplis 61)


2. Perhitungan Tekanan dalam Fluida

Diposting oleh On Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Perhitungan tekanan dalam fluida dapat dirumuskan :
  • P = ρ g h  (utk bejana tertutup)
  • P = Po + ρ g h  (utk bejana terbuka dg nilai Po = 1 atm)
  • Ketinggian (h) selalu diukur dari titik dimana dihitung tekanannya (P) sampai ke atas permukaan fluida
  • Jika ada 2 lapis fluida, maka fluida yg bawah mempunyai tekanan (P2) yg nilainya dihitung dari ketinggian dasar sampai batas lapisan + tekanan diatasnya (P1), dengan P1 = Po + ρ g h
  • Pgauge ∆P = perbedaan tekanan antara luar dan dalam bejana (sistem)
  • Pabsolut = Pmutlak = tekanan sebenarnya dalam sistem
  • Po = tekanan normal lingkungan (1 atm = 1 bar)
  • Jadi Pgauge PabsoluPo
Contoh Soal : (adapted from Transport Processes and Unit Operation 3rd , Geankoplis 33 - 35)

1. Neraca Massa dan Neraca Energi pada Pembakaran dengan O2 Excess

Diposting oleh On Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Soal perhitungan Neraca Massa dan Neraca Energi sering kita temukan di soal-soal, apalagi kalau ada tes kerja, soal ini wajib dimengerti dan yg perlu digaris bawahi adalah penggunaan excess O2.
Neraca Massa :
Input = Akumulasi + Output
Neraca Energi :
∑ Hinput + ∑ Hreaksi + Q = ∑ Houtput
Reaksi : CO + ½ O2 → CO2
∆Hreaksi = 1. ∆H CO2 – 1. ∆H CO 
(1/2 ∆H O2 = 0 karena jumlah melimpah di alam dan jika sistem tdk disebutkan suhu (T), maka diambil reference pada T = 298 K)
OTeoritis = Oyg didapat dari hasil perbandingan reaksi kimia
OAktual = Oyg didapat dari hasil OTeoritis + OExcess

Contoh Soal : (adapted from Transport Processes and Unit Operation 3rd , Geankoplis 21-22)


28. Other, Another, Others

Diposting oleh On Saturday, September 21, 2013

  • OTHERmenunjuk pada sesuatu yg berbeda
Example : I write other post in this blog
               Yes, I know Brigit, but who is the other woman next to her?
                     Rachel and Jeff are watching TV. The other girls are out
                     I've found one of my black shoes, but I can't find the other
Juga bisa diartikan utk "yang lain tapi benda jamak"
Example : I don’t want these book. Please give me other books
  • ANOTHER : menunjuk pada sesuatu yg merupakan tambahan
Example :  I ate cookie for dessert and I want another one (tambah satu kue lagi)
                She's seeing another man.' Does her boyfriend know?
                You've already had six whiskies. Give me another
                We still need another piano player
Juga bisa diartikan utk "yang lain tapi benda tunggal"
Example : I don’t want this book. Please give me another book
  • OTHERS : menunjuk pada objek benda ketika tidak menyebutkan bendanya, sama dengan "OTHER" tapi objek benda pada kalimat dihilangkan
Example : The others didn’t want to go the movie, even though I did. (The others disini menggantikan orang lain (other people)
                Tom and Jane have 4 children. They put the children to bed while the others did the cooking
                We don't like these curtains.Could you show us some others ?

                I don’t want these book. Please give me others(others = other books)

sumber :

27.  Penting Bagiku

Diposting oleh On Thursday, September 05, 2013

  • Many communities are dependent on groundwater __________ from wells for their water supply.
(A) that obtained
(B) obtained
(C) is obtained
(D) obtain it
Answer : B (obtained)
 The only correct way to complete this sentence is with a participle (obtained really means which is obtained)............(

26. Adverb, Adjective dan Noun

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, September 03, 2013

  • Adverb = kata keterangan
Contoh : She learns quickly
  • Adjective = kata sifat
Contoh : She is an excellent dancer
  • Noun = kata benda
Contoh : She is a dancer

* Adverb + Adjective bukan  Adjective + Adverb
Contoh : She was previously known as dancer
* Adjective + Noun bukan  Noun + Adjective
Contoh : She is an excellent dancer

25. Reduction Adverb dan Main Clause (Pemendekan 2 Kalimat)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Pemendekan kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris ini juga diterapkan di Bahasa Indonesia, misalnya :
 * Ketika saya sedang menonton TV, saya tertidur ------> Ketika sedang menonton TV, saya tertidur
(Penghilangan subjek "saya")

Dalam grammar Inggris seperti berikut ini :
* Penghilangan salah satu "Subjek + To be " selama pelaku subjek adalah sama
Contoh : - While I was watching TV, I fell asleep ------> (While) watching TV, I fell asleep
(penghilangan subjek + To be "I was")
              - While I was walking down the street, I came across a very strange guy -----> (While) walking down the street, I came across a very strange guy
               - Before I go to school in the morning, I usually take a shower -----> Before going to school in the morning, I usually take a shower
               - Because he wanted more money, he accepted the over -----> Wanting more money, he accepted the over (because dihilangkan)

* Jika tidak ada "TO BE", hilangkan subjek dan ganti kata kerja dg "V - Ing"
Contoh : - After I signed the report, I gave it to the manager -----> After signing the report, I gave it to the manager
             - After they found a hotel, they looked for a restaurant ----> Having found a hotel, they looked for a restaurant

* Jika subjek beda antara 2 kalimat, maka tidak boleh dihilangkan
Contoh : - While the teacher was speaking, I feel asleep -----> tulisan tetap

Mr. X was the first man who broke the long chain of unfortunate events.
(kata dicetak miring tebal dapat diganti dg "TO + V1"-----> "To Broke")


24. "Which" VS "In Which / Where"

Diposting oleh On Friday, August 30, 2013

  • WHICH (yang mana)
Digunakan utk mengungkapkan seseuatu
Contoh : The chair which he broke is being repaired
Digunakan utk menentukan pilihan sesuatu
Contoh : Which do you choose, apple or orange?
  • IN WHICH / WHERE (dimana)
Digunakan utk pengungkapan tempat "In Which" sering digunakan dlm situasi formal
Contoh : There are 3 cabinets in which legal documents are kept
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:

23. Telling the Time (Berbicara tentang Waktu)

Diposting oleh On Thursday, August 29, 2013

  • Jam
* Mengucapkan jam dulu baru menit
Contoh : 7.45 (seven forty-five)
*  Utk 01-09 kita bisa mengucapkan "0" sebagai "oh"
Contoh : 7.05 (seven oh five)
* Pengucapan yg berbeda utk jam 7.45 dimulai dari menit dulu baru jam
Contoh : Jam 7 lebih 45 menit (fortyteen minutes past seven)
              Jam 8 kurang 15 menit (fifteen minutes to eight)
* Penggunaan kata a.m (ante meridiem) yaitu antara jam 00.00 - 12.00 dan p.m (post meridiem) yaitu antara jam 12.00 - 00.00
Contoh : 3.15 (three fifteen a.m)

Penggunaan jam utk umum adalah mulai 00.00 - 24.00
Contoh : jam 8 malam = 20.00 (twenty o'clock)
  • Tanggal
Contoh : 5 Oktober 2005 (fifth of October, two thousands and five)
              Oktober 5, 2005 (October fifth, two thousands and five)
2004 (two thousand and four)
1998 (nineteen ninety-eight)
1805 (eighteen hundred and five / eighteen oh five)