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Pameran Lukisan JX International Surabaya 22 Nopember 2013 (Rp. 10.000.000 sd Rp. 400.000.000) (1 of 2)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Lukisan : Burung di Bambu Pinggir kali

Lukisan : Pemandangan Sawah dan Padinya

Lukisan : Apel di Pagi Hari

Lukisan : Pemandangan Hutan Belantara

Lukisan : Bebek di kali

Lukisan : Aktifitas Orang Desa di Sawah

Lukisan : Angsa di Kali

Lukisan : Panen Padi di Sawah

Referensi : Dokumentasi pribadi pameran lukisan di JX International Surabaya 


Fermentasi Alkohol (Alcoholic Fermentation)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Alkohol adalah persenyawaan kimia yg mempunyai rantai –OH, disekitar kita banyak ditemui jenis – jenis alkohol seperti spiritus, etanol disinfektan dan minuman keras. Alkohol bisa dibuat dengan proses fermentasi karbohidrat / gula. 
"Alcohol is a chemical compound  has -OH chain, we meet kinds of alcohol such as spirtus, ethanol disinfectant and hard drink. Alcohol can be made from fermentation of carbohydrates."
Macam – macam karbohidrat / gula adalah :
1. Monosakarida
  • Fruktosa (gula dari buah – buahan)
  • Galaktosa (gula dari pencernaan laktosa)
  • Glukosa (gula dari umbi - umbian)
2. Disakarida
  • Sukrosa (gula dari tebu dan jika dihidrolisis menghasilkan glukosa - fruktosa)
  • Laktosa (gula dari susu dan jika dihidrolisis menghasilkan glukosa - galaktosa)
  • Maltosa (gula dari biji – bijian / pati dan jika dihidrolisis menghasilkan 2 molekul glukosa)
3. Polisakarida
  • Pati / amilum
  • Glikogen
Karbohidrat berdasarkan "gugus fungsi yg diikat" dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
  • Aldosa (mengikat gugus aldehid) contohnya glukosa, galaktosa, ribosa
  • Ketosa (mengikat gugus keton) contohnya fruktosa
Proses pembuatan alcohol dinamakan proses anaerobic karena tdk membutuhkan oksigen bebas dan membutuhkan jamur ragi (Saccaromyces cereviceae). Bahan – bahan yg bisa dipakai utk fermentasi misalnya umbi singkong, ketan (tapai) dan anggur, manga, durian (bir).
"Manufacturing process of alcohol is anaerobic because of npt require free oxygen and using Saccaromyces cereviceae. Sunstances can be used for fermentation are cassava, sticky rice, grape, mango and durian."
Reaksi fermentasi : 

Etanol adalah salah satu golongan alkohol dan sering digunakan utk berbagai keperluan. Sedangkan CO2 adalah gas panas yg kita rasakan saat membuka wadah fermentasi.
Jika kita melihat proses pembuatan secara sederhana bahwa proses fermentasi dilakukan dalam proses tertutup (aerobik) karena jika terkena udara bebas maka reaksi fermentasi akan teroksidasi menjadi asam karboksilat shg hasil yg didapat rasanya masam.
"Ethanol is one of alcohol and often used for necessity and CO2 is hot gas which sensation while open of fermentation container.
If we know simplely process that fermentation is done close process due to if there is free oxygen so fermentation react will continue oxydizes to carboxylic acid and produce sour taste."
Produk2 yg diperoleh dg cara fermentasi adalah :
  • Bir
  • Wine
  • Yogurt
  • Keju
  • Tapai
Referensi : Diolah dari berbagai sumber

1. Sukrosa dan Strukturnya 
2. Karbohidrat 
3. Proses Pembuatan Gula Tebu Kristal

    Elementary School

    Diposting oleh On Monday, December 16, 2013

    Age 7 years old, CV entrance in Islamic Elementary School where near with his home. This ES was the best school in his village and often received award from competition and has become tradition of championship. 1st class, CV received 7th, 10th, 6th ranked in 1 years full and divided by 4 month, often called CAWU (CAtur WUlan). Here CV got a lot of experience how must prepare learning to get the best ranking in class. His parents fulfill literature books. In this class CV couldn’t reading word and still spell learning and for mathematic still using bamboo stick to compute simple math problem.

    In 2nd class, CV intends to prove his ability to rise to do the best in class. Here he fast learned about art music, intonation of music and calculation mathematic. In this class, he received 6th, 4th, 3rd ranked in 1 years full. Achievement of CV continue to rise and the teacher encourage spirit to improve hisperformance.

    In 3rd class, CV performanced loving in science knowledge and if lesson science, he always received a good mark. Here CV enough fluent reading and calculating. The rank in 1 years were 3rd, 2nd, 3rd and from here resurgence starting and CV was diligent learning and solve question from competence book. 

    In 4th class, CV had 2nd, 3rd, 2nd ranked and CV be a leader class and many other organizations. His parents many contribute in his life course because they bought complete book and CV was very happy and always solve that book. His parents not permitted CV work, playing to the river and field. Necessity of parents was CV learning and continue achievement to get the best in class.

    In 5th class he got many experience such as be a leader ceremony, leader class and contingent of competition run. His soul was growing up and his mind also so made into a change. He received rank 1st, 1st, 1st in 1 years full and these the best achievement which he has been desire. Due to effort and pray, all of desire can be achieved.

    In 6th the top of effort to prove to get the best student in this school. CV get 1st ranked three times in 1 years full and also received the best mark in final exam of Elementary School. CV in this class be a leader of Gerak Jalan 17 Agustus and also Obor subdistric. CV also achieved award 2nd in science subdistric olympic in all elementary school.