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Macam-Macam Kompresor (Compressor)

Pembagian kompresor dan cara kerjanya hampir sama dengan pompa. Kompresor yg sering digunakan terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
    1.  Positive Displacement, prinsip kerjanya menghasilkan tekanan tinggi dg memperkecil ruang volume udara. Terbagi menjadi 2 yaitu :
  • Reciprocating / Piston, prinsip kerjanya kompresor dilengkapi piston yg bergerak naik turun atau maju mundur , saat piston turun / mundur berarti volume ruang piston besar dan tekanan kecil shg udara dari luar bisa masuk dan waktu piston bergerak naik / maju maka volume ruang piston mengecil shg tekanan naik dan udara bisa terdorong ke tabung penampung, dalam tabung terdapat katup jadi udara dalam tabung penampung tidak bisa kembali lagi ke silinder (piston). Penggunaan yaitu pada kompresor pinggir jalan, AC yg besar dan otomotif.
"The division of compressor and working principle almost same with pump. Compressor is used divided into 2 are :
  1. Positive Displacement, working principle is produce high pressure with minimize air space volume. Divided into 2 are :
  • Reciprocating, working principle is compressor completed piston up - down or forward - back, when piston down / back means space volume is large and small pressure so air from outside can enter and when piston moving up / forward so space volume is small so increase the pressure and air can be pushed to container tube, in the tube there is valve so air in the container tube can be return to the cylinder (piston). Usage are compressor at side of the road, large AC and otomotive."
Ada 2 tipe reciprocating compressor yaitu :
*  Single Stage, terdiri dari 1 ruangan silinder berisi 1 piston atau beberapa silinder tapi disusun paralel, prinsip kerja sama seperti penjelasan diatas dan biasanya digunakan utk tekanan (4 bar)
*  Double Stage, digunakan utk tekanan lebih tinggi (15 bar), terdiri dari 2 silinder dan 2 piston. Prinsip kerjanya udara masuk dikompresi piston pertama dan didinginkan dan masuk ke piston kedua utk dikompresi dan didinginkan shg mencapai tekanan yg diinginkan. Kompresi piston kedua lebih tinggi

"There are 2 types of reciprocating compressor are :
*  Single Stage, consist of 1 cylinder space contain 1 piston or some cylinder arranged parallel, working principle is same like explain above and usually used for pressure (4 bar)
*  Double Stage, used for higher pressure (15 bar), consist of 2 cylinders and 2 pistons. Working principle intake air is compressed by first piston and cooled then enter to second piston for compressed and cooled so achieve that desired pressure. Compression of second piston is higher."
Reciprocating Compressor
  • Rotary, terbagi menjadi 3 yaitu :
* Lobe,  prinsip kerjanya sepasang lempeng logam seperti sayap kupu-kupu yg saling bertautan shg bisa menyedot udara, memampatkannya dan mengalirkannya
* Screw,  prinsip kerjanya 2 screw saling bertautan seperti roda gigi shg bisa memampatkan udara dan mengalirkannya. Penggunaan pada PLTU
* Vane,  prinsip kerjanya menggunakan blade pada sisi rotor, udara masuk lewat inlet dikompresi oleh sudu-sudu dalam casing menuju outlet
  • "Rotary, divided into 3 are :
* Lobe, working principle is couple of metal plate like butterfly wings is interlocked so can be taken up air, compressed and blowing
* Screw, working principle is 2 screws interlocked like gear so can compress air and blowing. Usage at PLTU
* Vane, working principle is using blade at rotor side, air intake by inlet, compressed by blade in the casing to the outlet"
Lobe Rotary

Screw Rotary

Vane Rotary
      2.  Dinamik, prinsip kerjanya tekanan yg ditimbulkan tergantung pada putaran impeller. Ada 2 tipe :
  • Aksial, prinsip kerjanya baling2 berputar searah dengan sumbu poros
  • Sentrifugal, prinsip kerjanya menggunakan gaya sentrifugal, dimana udara masuk lewat inlet dan berputar dg impeller dan udara yg ditekan mengenai casing shg trjdi pemampatan dan keluar menuju outlet. Penggunaan pada refrigerator, AC, mesin jet
      "2. Dynamic, working principle is pressure generated depends on the impeller rotation
  • Axial, working principle is propellers rotating at same direction with shaft axis
  • Centrifugal, working principle using centrifugal force, which intake air through inlet and rotated by impeller and air compressed reach casing so happen compression and out to the outlet. Usage at refrigerator, AC, jet machine"
Centrifugal Compressor

Kutip Artikel ini sebagai Referensi (Citation):
Feriyanto, Y.E. (2012). Macam-Macam Kompresor (Compressor), Best Practice Experience in Power Surabaya

[1] Feriyanto, Y.E. (2012). Best Practice Experience in Power Plant. Surabaya


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