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2. Subjunctive (Kalimat Pengandaian)

  1. Present Subjunctive
Pada kalimat subjunctive to be yg dipakai tunggal / jamak adalah were
  • S + wish + that + S + V2
  • S + V1 + as if / as though + S + V2
  • If only + S + V2
  • I would rather + S + V2
     2.  Past Subjunctive
  • S + wish + that + S + had + V3
  • S + V2 + as if / as though + S + had + V3
  • If only + S + had + V3
  • I would rather + S + had + V3
Subjunctive selalu lebih lampau 1 tingkat daripada faktanya, jadi seumpama subjunctive V2 maka fakta V1 dan jika subjunctive V3 maka fakta V2.  Antara subjunctive dan fakta selalu berlawanan maknanya,

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