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6. Participle (V - ing dan V3)

Macam - Macam Participle :

1.  Present Principle
* Present participle memiliki kesamaan dengan gerund yaitu V - ing

* Perbedaanya present participle (menunjukkan kegiatan) dan gerund (menunjukkan fungsi / kegunaan)

Example :

  • The smoking man is my father (laki2 yg sedang merokok itu adalah ayahku)--------(PARTICIPLE)
  • The smoking area is also available (area utk merokok juga tersedia)--------(GERUND)
# Pola kalimat Verbal
Ving + ..., S + P
Having + V3 + ..., S + P

Example :

* He cooks very well. He want to own a big resturant
   ----- Cooking very well, he want to own a big resturant
* Rina has finished her school. She plans to continue her study in a university
   ----- Having finished her school, she plans to continue her study in a university

# Pola kalimat Nominal
Being + complement, S + P
Having + been + complement, S + P

Example :

* Monica is a teacher. She has to behave well
   ------Being a teacher, Monica has to behave well
* She has been here for 2 hours. She decides to leave
   ------Having been here for 2 hours, she decides to leave

2.  Past Participle

V3 + by..., S + P
Being + V3 + by..., S + P
Having + been + V3 + by..., S + P


  • Jika sebagai "part of a verb " maka------- To be + Ving
  • Jika sebagai "adjective" maka-------- Ving
Example :
* The crying baby needs to be picked up
------ Crying sudah benar karena sbg adjective dan verbnya needs to be picked up
* The clothes are lying the floor should go into the washing machine
-------Are lying salah karena bukan berfungsi sbg part of a verb dan seharusnya lying
* The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners
-------Bringing salah karena sbg part of a verb dan seharusnya is bringing

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