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8.  Modal (Kata Kerja Bantu)

Diposting oleh On Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Macam - Macam Modal :
1.  Modal Present

  • Will (akankah)
Will bisa utk memperhalus permintaan 
Example :
* I will go to New york someday
* Shall I go despite the rain? (meminta saran)
* Will you prepare a cip of coffe for me, please! (memperhalus permintaan)
  • May = Can (mungkinkah)
Can (informal)
May (formal)
  • Must = Have to / Has to (harus)
  • Shall = Ought to (seharusnya)
Shall utk meminta saran
Shall hanya digunakan utk subjek I / We

2.  Modal Past

  • Would (bentuk kedua will)
  • Should (bentuk kedua shall)------mengungkapkan saran tidak terpengaruh tenses
  • Might (bentuk lampau may)
  • Could (bentuk kedua can)
3.  Modal Perfect
  • Should have / ought to have
  • Must have  (pasti)
  • Could have
  • Might have

7.  Direct - Indirect Speech (Kalimat Langsung - Tidak Langsung)

Diposting oleh On Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Perubahan tenses---------- indirect speech selalu lebih lampau 1 tingkat daripada direct speech

Perubahan adverb :

       Direct                 Indirect

  • Now           Then, at the time
  • Today         That day
  • Tomorrow   The next day, the day after, the following day
  • Yesterday    The day before
  • ...Ago           ...Before
  • Last...          The...before
  • Next...         The...after..., the following...
Example :
Feri said, "I am hungry now"-------- Feri said that he was hungry at the time

Kalimat Tanya :

If / whether + S + P
WH question + S + V

Example :

* Fida asks "what do you want?"--------Fida asks what I want
Feri asked,"are you happy now?"------Feri asked if I was happy then

Kalimat Perintah / Larangan :

Example :
* Bryan said to me, "don't stay to close to the fire!"-------Bryan said to me not to stay close to the fire
* Cellt told her brothers, "bring me ice cream!"------------Celly told her brothers to bring her ice cream

6.  Participle (V - ing dan V3)

Diposting oleh On Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Macam - Macam Participle :

1.  Present Principle
* Present participle memiliki kesamaan dengan gerund yaitu V - ing

* Perbedaanya present participle (menunjukkan kegiatan) dan gerund (menunjukkan fungsi / kegunaan)

Example :

  • The smoking man is my father (laki2 yg sedang merokok itu adalah ayahku)--------(PARTICIPLE)
  • The smoking area is also available (area utk merokok juga tersedia)--------(GERUND)
# Pola kalimat Verbal
Ving + ..., S + P
Having + V3 + ..., S + P

Example :

* He cooks very well. He want to own a big resturant
   ----- Cooking very well, he want to own a big resturant
* Rina has finished her school. She plans to continue her study in a university
   ----- Having finished her school, she plans to continue her study in a university

# Pola kalimat Nominal
Being + complement, S + P
Having + been + complement, S + P

Example :

* Monica is a teacher. She has to behave well
   ------Being a teacher, Monica has to behave well
* She has been here for 2 hours. She decides to leave
   ------Having been here for 2 hours, she decides to leave

2.  Past Participle

V3 + by..., S + P
Being + V3 + by..., S + P
Having + been + V3 + by..., S + P


  • Jika sebagai "part of a verb " maka------- To be + Ving
  • Jika sebagai "adjective" maka-------- Ving
Example :
* The crying baby needs to be picked up
------ Crying sudah benar karena sbg adjective dan verbnya needs to be picked up
* The clothes are lying the floor should go into the washing machine
-------Are lying salah karena bukan berfungsi sbg part of a verb dan seharusnya lying
* The waitress bringing the steaming soup to the waiting diners
-------Bringing salah karena sbg part of a verb dan seharusnya is bringing

5.  Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Macam - Macam Passive Voice :

  • Memiliki modal atau modal perfect
S + modal + be + V3
S + modal + have + been + V3

Example :

* When you break the rules, you must be punished
* You should have been remainded so you would not do the mistake
  • Dari to infinitive dan gerund
To + be + V3

Being + V3

Example :

* He wants his paper to be revised by him
* I love them being made fun by me

4. Conjunction (Kata Penghubung)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Macam - Macam Conjuncion :
1.  Co - ordinative Conjunction (menghubungkan unsur sifat yg setara)
ada 4 macam yaitu :

  • Cumulative Conjuction (fungsi penambahan yg setara)
And                        : dan
Also                        : juga
In addition               : ditambah lagi
Moreover / Furthermore : lebih - lebih
As well as                : juga
Both...and                : baik...maupun
Not only...but also    : bukan hanya...tapi juga
  • Alternative Conjunction (fungsi pemilihan)
Or                    : atau
Either...or...      : baik...ataupun
Neither...nor...  : bukan...ataupun...
Whether...or...  : apakah...atau...
  • Diversative Conjunction (hubungan berlawanan)
But / yet   : tapi
Still          : tetap
Whereas  : sedangkan
  • Illative Conjunction (menunjukkan kesimpulan)
So                  : jadi
Thus               : maka
Hence             : sebab itu
Therefore        : oleh karena itu
Consequently  : akibatnya
As the result    : hasilnya
Accordingly     : sesuai dengan itu

2.  Sub - ordinative Conjunction (menghubungkan unsur yg sifatnya tidak setara)
Ada 7 macam yaitu :
  • Cause and Effect Conjunction (hubungan sebab - akibat)
Since / As / For / Because : karena
Example :
* Last night I didn't come because I didn't feel wll  (Because dipakai di belakang)
* As I really need his help, I will come to his house despite the rain   (As dipakai di depan)
  • Comparison Conjunction (hubungan perbandingan)                         : se.. than / more...than  : lebih...dari
  • Contrast Conjunction (menunjukkan pertentangan)
Although / Even though / However  : Meskipun (diikuti S + P)
 Despite : Meskipun  (diikuti frasa)
  • Condition Conjunction (menunjukkan syarat)
If              : jika
Unless      : jika...tidak
Provided  : asalkan
  • Manner Conjunction (menunjukkan cara)
As    : seperti
How : bagaimana

  • Time Conjunction (hubungan waktu)
When / While / As  : ketika
As long as   : selama
As soon as  : secepat
Since           : sejak
Until            : hingga
  • Purpose Conjunction (hubungan tujuan)
So that                     : sehingga
So...(adj/adv)...that atau Such..(noun)...that    : begitu...sehingga
In order to               : untuk
In order that             : agar

3. Causative Sentence (Kalimat Menyuruh Orang Melakukan Sesuatu)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, January 29, 2013

  1. Active Causative
  • Have (penggunaan sama pada Make & Let)-----> tanpa "TO"
S + has / have / had + object active + V1
Example :
* My boss has me type all the documents
* I had my gardener take care

* The dog made me run fast
* Dio lets me make his bed everyday
  • Get (penggunaan sama pada Ask & Tell)----> pakai "TO"
S + get / gets / got + object active + to + V1
Example :
* I will get those children to go
* The teacher gets the student to do their homework
* She always asks me to do what she wants
* My uncle told me to work together with him

        2.   Passive Causative
Hanya mempunyai 1 pola utk Have dan Get

S + has / have / had / get / gets / got + object passive + V3 Example :

* She is so technological illaterate that she always gets her paper typed (gets tanpa to)
Contoh soal :
* You would better "have it translated" bukan "have translate it"
* Only had it painted bukan only it had painted

2. Subjunctive (Kalimat Pengandaian)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, January 29, 2013

  1. Present Subjunctive
Pada kalimat subjunctive to be yg dipakai tunggal / jamak adalah were
  • S + wish + that + S + V2
  • S + V1 + as if / as though + S + V2
  • If only + S + V2
  • I would rather + S + V2
     2.  Past Subjunctive
  • S + wish + that + S + had + V3
  • S + V2 + as if / as though + S + had + V3
  • If only + S + had + V3
  • I would rather + S + had + V3
Subjunctive selalu lebih lampau 1 tingkat daripada faktanya, jadi seumpama subjunctive V2 maka fakta V1 dan jika subjunctive V3 maka fakta V2.  Antara subjunctive dan fakta selalu berlawanan maknanya,

1. Derivatives (Kata Jadian)

Diposting oleh On Tuesday, January 29, 2013

           Noun                              Verb                             Adjective

  • Applause                        Applaud                                -
  • Success                         Succed                          Successfull
  • Response                       Respond                               -
  • Defense                          Defend                                  -
  • Process                          Proceed                                 -
  • Belief                             Believe                                  -
  • Relief                              Relieve                                  -
  • Proof                              Prove                                    -
  • Refusal                           Refuse                                  -
  • Child                                   -                                Childish / Childless
  • Beautician                       Beautify                          Beautiful
  • Attraction                       Attract                            Attractive
  •     -                                 Affirm                             Affirmative
  • Happiness                          -                                 Happy   
  • Simplicity                       Simplify                          Simple
  • Popularity                      Popularize                       Popular
  •    -                                 Deepen                           Deep
  • Enlargement                  Enlarge                           Large
  • Creation                        Create                             Creative
  • Difference                     Differentiate                    Different  
  • Disturbance                   Disturb                            Disturbing
  •    -                                 Admire                            Admirable
  • Majority                            -                                  Major
  • Denial                            Deny                                   -
  • Importance                         -                                 Important                                                 
Determiner (a, an, the, each, every, some, any, much, few, what, several, little dll) selalu diikuti noun
  • Noun 
Hood    (Brotherhood, babyhood, fatherhood)
Ian        (Comedian, librarian, musician)
Ist         (Scientist, artist, biologist linguist)
Full       (Beautiful, useful, careful, meaningful)
Y          (Noisy, healthy, funny, salty, rainy)
Al         (Instrumental, costal, remedial)
Ish        (Boyish, childish, foolish)
Ar         (Molecular, particular)
Less      (Careless, joyless, painless)
Ment     (Entertainment, movement)
Ance     (Ignorance, allowance)
Tion      (Evaluation,attraction)
Ship      (Friendship, relationship)
Ness     (Darkness, happiness)
Ity         (Popularity, simplicity)
T           (Complaint)
Ial         (Denial, refusal)
Age       (Marriage, leakage)
  • Verb
Ment     (Movement, improvement, development)
Ion        (Addition, direction, education)
Er/ or    (Leader, sender, actor, sailor)
Ous       (Continuous, infectious, desirous)
Ive        (Decorative, suggestive, impressive)
En         (Endanger, enlarge)
Ize         (Catagorize, populirize)
Ed         (Succed, proceed)