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24. "Which" VS "In Which / Where"

Diposting oleh On Friday, August 30, 2013

  • WHICH (yang mana)
Digunakan utk mengungkapkan seseuatu
Contoh : The chair which he broke is being repaired
Digunakan utk menentukan pilihan sesuatu
Contoh : Which do you choose, apple or orange?
  • IN WHICH / WHERE (dimana)
Digunakan utk pengungkapan tempat "In Which" sering digunakan dlm situasi formal
Contoh : There are 3 cabinets in which legal documents are kept
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:
In my office, there are three cabinets in which legals documents are kept - See more at:

23. Telling the Time (Berbicara tentang Waktu)

Diposting oleh On Thursday, August 29, 2013

  • Jam
* Mengucapkan jam dulu baru menit
Contoh : 7.45 (seven forty-five)
*  Utk 01-09 kita bisa mengucapkan "0" sebagai "oh"
Contoh : 7.05 (seven oh five)
* Pengucapan yg berbeda utk jam 7.45 dimulai dari menit dulu baru jam
Contoh : Jam 7 lebih 45 menit (fortyteen minutes past seven)
              Jam 8 kurang 15 menit (fifteen minutes to eight)
* Penggunaan kata a.m (ante meridiem) yaitu antara jam 00.00 - 12.00 dan p.m (post meridiem) yaitu antara jam 12.00 - 00.00
Contoh : 3.15 (three fifteen a.m)

Penggunaan jam utk umum adalah mulai 00.00 - 24.00
Contoh : jam 8 malam = 20.00 (twenty o'clock)
  • Tanggal
Contoh : 5 Oktober 2005 (fifth of October, two thousands and five)
              Oktober 5, 2005 (October fifth, two thousands and five)
2004 (two thousand and four)
1998 (nineteen ninety-eight)
1805 (eighteen hundred and five / eighteen oh five)